Dual vvt-i control?
Dual vvt-i control?
I can't actually seem to find a concrete answer on this from anywhere on the web, but does anyone have any experience with after market ecu's that can effectively control dynamic vvt-i (such as in the altezza beams engine)?
I'm not talking about having it either on or off, as if it's permanently on it seems to advance to 15 degrees and stay there, I mean properly control it.
Camcon does that I believe. Issue is the ecu will always fight it.
A stand alone ecu will always fight dual vvti? Sorry if I'm being extremely dense.
I'm talking about a stand alone. It will not be in an altezza or using the altezza ecu.
Ah didn't realise you wanted a standalone. The link does it I believe.
but not sure if the atom has enough outputs/inputs. id go with the storm myself