Dash lighting not working...
Dash lighting not working...
Hi All,
Was wondering if our resident electronics wizards could help me with this, as the heading states, my Dash lighting is no longer working after i cleaned the wiring loom behind my center console up every thing is now looking tidy and is all working except the dash lights that come on when you switch the headlights on, not even the dials light up, and i suspect its a fuse but remember checking the fuses in the drivers foot well and all seemed to be working, when testing across the fuse for continuity, i got a beep, i will of course check again but was wondering if there are any other places i can look for issues just in case its not a fuse?
Thanks in advance
If everything else is lighting up the dash should as its all the same fuse. Have you plugged back in the dimmer switch as this is linked directly to the dash.
did not unplug the dimmer switch nothing behind the dials was touched the only wiring i touched was the Radio/amp looms and the climate control looms nothing else and all the wires that wer cut were re attached and soldered and covered with shrinkwrap i was meticulous in making sure every wire was accounted for and colour matched i did however touch a wire briefly o another which caused a spark and popped the radio 2 fuse but that was replaced and functions again, its really weird every thing works except the dials, the buttons and numbering around the climate control dials there are no bured wires where i was working so i am lost... I really hope its not something serious
Ah you've lost that illumination as well. Try the 7.5a panel fuse in the drivers footwell.
Sparkystav Ah you've lost that illumination as well. Try the 7.5a panel fuse in the drivers footwell.
Sparkystav Ah you've lost that illumination as well. Try the 7.5a panel fuse in the drivers footwell.
Does sound like you've got a short somewhere, have another look at the wiring and have a see
sounds like you got a Ground link or an over current you say that you re-soldered all wires that were cut did you have wires that were not connected before hand that you have re connected ?
Hi Guys sorry for the late comeback, I managed to sort the wiring out and all is now working perfectly, it was a combination of issues but resolved it by replacing a fuse and using a different permanent +12v my only question now is the amplified antenna of the car has a seperat Black wire attached i'm assuming that is for +12V? if i can get an answer for that my wiring will be 100% and tidy instead of a crows nest behind my radio
Yes that's what it's for mate