2015 shows/events
2015 shows/events
Good morning our members.
Well december is almost upon us and we look towards a hopefully busy 2015 for the club.
The Admin team have been looking into as many shows as we can and as of today JAE still have no confirmed dates or location we need to look at other events and shows.
But for our members we want to see what else you want to do, yes we love our own cars very much but as a club what would you like to see us do.
So far the admin team have been speaking about things we can do to bring Outlaws together.
So far weve come up with:
BTCC days out
Rolling road events Pos 2 next year
Stock car/banger racing and camping weekend.
please let us know on this thread if these are things you wpuld be interested in and of course we wpuld love to here ur ideas as well.
Admin Team
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I've had the MRI scan a week last Friday
.. I've got my follow up appointment on Tuesday morning.
As soon as I know the outcome I'll be deciding when I can next fight... But I will be doing it again!!
In relation to shows... Just about anything car related I'm in... Just let me know times dates and locations
Just rock up mate. We will make you feel welcome don't worry!
All our members cars always go in stand whether it's the finished article or a work in progress. With most weekend events we provide food and showers are normally on site so all you need to bring a tent sleeping stuff and clothes on and of course beer lol
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From experience of being a newish member Outlaw club are very friendly, chatty and make you feel welcome and comfortable. Really enjoyed JAE camping.