Reputation Feedback
Reputation Feedback
:thumbup:If you take a look at Ormi reputation you will notice that he is the first to get the second marker on his reputation feedback.
Members get these from fellow club members for useful and helpful threads.
Some of the reason why Ormi has got these extra points is because of the help he has given fellow member with his how to change oils threads.
Well done Ormi keep up the good work.:thumbup:
This info is both helpful to our current members and people looking for advice through web searches.
Anyone can give fellow member reputation feedback by going to the members thread and click on the scales on the top left side of the person thread and "press i approve" you can give reason to why you approve.
Keep up the good work everyone:thumbup:
How do you add to reputation in general and not just for specific posts, is there a add to reputation section on members profile pages? if so where as I can't see it, I want to add to some reps but it's for other rhings and not just helpfull posts. (if that all makes sense)
Andy i think the only way you can add reputation is through threads.
You could start a post and hope the person that you want to add too answers and leave it this way.
Other than that only threads that have been started and for any reason.
You can leave good or bad reputation but please take your time if it bad news and please think more carefully as to why.
you could just click any post by that person, doesnt have to be the correct post
Lexusboy You can leave good or bad reputation but please take your time if it bad news and please think more carefully as to why.
Is there a way of seeing what you've received reputation points for? Apparently I've got 12 but I can only see the 1 most recent one (thanks Phil). Is it 1 point per post or have I got 12 for that 1 post? :confused:
Lexusboy You can leave good or bad reputation but please take your time if it bad news and please think more carefully as to why.
toxo Is there a way of seeing what you've received reputation points for? Apparently I've got 12 but I can only see the 1 most recent one (thanks Phil). Is it 1 point per post or have I got 12 for that 1 post? :confused:I'm not 100% sure of the details, but everyone starts off with 10 reputation, not zero, so you've been given two extra points. The reputation awarded I think depends on various things, e.g. who it was that awarded it. I think that regular users give 2 points each time they give reputation, so that one from Phil is your only one so far ...
toxo Is there a way of seeing what you've received reputation points for? Apparently I've got 12 but I can only see the 1 most recent one (thanks Phil). Is it 1 point per post or have I got 12 for that 1 post? :confused:I'm not 100% sure of the details, but everyone starts off with 10 reputation, not zero, so you've been given two extra points. The reputation awarded I think depends on various things, e.g. who it was that awarded it. I think that regular users give 2 points each time they give reputation, so that one from Phil is your only one so far ...
Is there anyway of adding this to members profiles then? I want to be able to explain what i've added to the reputation for and sometimes it's not just for helpful posting so can't we have both a post one and one under the profile?