Car of the Month
Car of the Month
It is time for you to vote for your car of the month.
Please can you vote only for a fellow member car, as car of the month.
Please add your reason as to why this should be the car of the month.
Only vote sent to the Stig can be counted and only one vote per member will be counted.
Pm The_Stig click here:
So get those votes in:thumbup:
Closing date 8th of Jan 2010
So we have to pm Stiggy our vote ???
yes mate
Ok how do you find Stig so you can pm Him
Is there a members list or a link, I did have a look but you know what like lol
Heres a link to his profile mate:
and to send him a pm click here:
go to search click once then onto advanced search, then on the right start to type his name 'the' and he'll come up to select :thumbup1:
EDIT - or do stavs idea as it'll be quicker :laugh:
Won't vote for my own car - thats just not in the spirit!!
my vote is cast.
2tongues Won't vote for my own car - thats just not in the spirit!!
my vote is cast.
2tongues Won't vote for my own car - thats just not in the spirit!!
my vote is cast.