Ever had this happen??
Ever had this happen??
Was just in the chemist picking up a prescription, myself and another chap sat waiting when the woman from behind the counter shouted my name out? Myself and the other chap both stood up and went over to her, Thought that's odd and went to take the package off her, and she hands it to the other chap?? so i said i'm Mr Chris Goring and he said so am i :laugh: :laugh:
Never met anyone with the same name as me before and found it quite funny, but a bit weird too at the same time
Anybody else ever met themselves :laugh::w00t:
No but i know theres another somewhere in my town as had his debt summons once!!! :cursing:
How bizarre! That is a crazy coincidence!
I met a guy with the same name and he looked just like me, oh no thats when I was talking to myself in the mirror :laugh::laugh:
now that would be weird, people call me Saj, and at work theres another guy whose called Saj, and thats werid lol