Time to replace the Goodyear Eagle F1 assymetrics on the IS200
Time to replace the Goodyear Eagle F1 assymetrics on the IS200
Right, time has come to replace all 4 tyres.
Currently have the Goodyear Eagle F1A's- they have been good, although they seem to have worn quickly. The F1A's have lasted 16.5k- I do a lot of motorway/dual carriageway driving, I was expecting to get about 25k out of the F1A's or am I expecting too much? I always swap my tyres (back to front) every 5k to get even wear.
Anyway, I have gone for the Yokohama C drive assymetrics as replacements- I thought I'd try another brand. Would have gone for the F1A's again, if I did less mileage. The F1A's are great in the wet and the drip is awesome. I've gone for the Yokohama's as they have the assymetric design, which I think works well.
The Yokohamas come in at £95 each (inc fitting) where as the F1A's are £115 each. Tyretraders.com are supplying the tyres.
Will report back my findings on the Yokohamas once I have got them fitted.
Don't know anything about Yokohama, hope they work out as good as the goodyears. Have you found the F1As decrease in grip in the cold weather?
Doesn't Tony recommend not swapping the tyres as it actually increases tyre wear?
I haven't noticed the grip decreasing in the cold, but I know summer tyres are not good when the temp drops below 7c.
I've got the OEM 17" alloys, from your avatar pic you seem to have the 18" alloys? Is this why you find the decrease in grip when its cold? Bigger alloys?
kam05 I haven't noticed the grip decreasing in the cold, but I know summer tyres are not good when the temp drops below 7c.
I've got the OEM 17" alloys, from your avatar pic you seem to have the 18" alloys? Is this why you find the decrease in grip when its cold? Bigger alloys?
kam05 I haven't noticed the grip decreasing in the cold, but I know summer tyres are not good when the temp drops below 7c.
I've got the OEM 17" alloys, from your avatar pic you seem to have the 18" alloys? Is this why you find the decrease in grip when its cold? Bigger alloys?
Got Yoko's on the MR2 - very good tyres.
so right...... i work for toyota in sweden and the best buget tires are hankook
2tongues Got Yoko's on the MR2 - very good tyres.
2tongues Got Yoko's on the MR2 - very good tyres.
jay_russell so right...... i work for toyota in sweden and the best buget tires are hankook
jay_russell so right...... i work for toyota in sweden and the best buget tires are hankook
No idea which yoko's as I didn't buy them, and car is safely tucked up at home.