Our Loverly Backstreet !
Our Loverly Backstreet !
What do you think??
Cleaned my car today, went to the back as usual to come across this, council havnt picked up the cardboard and paper, or emptied the brown bins, some of the stuff is from my address.
I've sent an email to the council with the pics and to my local MP, they have had a week since the original collection date, and its all still there.
Ive gone the full hog and accused them of flytipping. see how quick they clean it
is yours worse?
didnt know you lived on coronation street:tongue_smilie:
aaronabbott didnt know you lived on coronation street:tongue_smilie:
aaronabbott didnt know you lived on coronation street:tongue_smilie:
aaronabbott didnt know you lived on coronation street:tongue_smilie:
aaronabbott didnt know you lived on coronation street:tongue_smilie:
That's like the streets you see in the movies!
Awful state though, right on to complain - hopefully they get it sorted asap......
yh hopefully !
I cc'ed the email to my local MP, who replied (on a sunday as well !!) stating he hopes I get a considered response from the council.
I use to work at council, so I emailed a guy called Bryan whos in charge of operational side of things, and the customer services email address.
All these Southerners have probably never seen cobbled streets like that! :lol:
Little know fact but I was actually born in Burnley so the pics are pretty typical.
Hope you get a resolution Saraj and with an election to win you would think the councils would be doing all they can do keep residents happy!
Bonny Aberdeen has cobbled street in some of there area's and i think they can add a certain charm if they are looked after.
Who can remember the broken glass that used to be added on the top of your garden walls to keep people out of your property.
I am sure this is not allowed now for health and safety.
Anees All these Southerners have probably never seen cobbled streets like that! :lol:
Anees All these Southerners have probably never seen cobbled streets like that! :lol: