how far will you get
how far will you get
ok did a wee test today just how far will i get before i need to find a petrol station fast.
first pic i took was after i past two petrol stations i was heading to portlethen a good 20miles away from me.
the second at the petrol station just made it, and for info the LEX starts to cough when its about to be total empty.
prob should have got petrol at the first or second station i know but hay i wanted to find out if i could make it and i did and i saved over 7p a litre by doing so :p
Thats a huge difference in price mate.
113.9 ! hock:
I see it made your engine check light come on. I wouldn't risk it getting that low, it can damage your cat if it starts coughing.
steviewevie 113.9 ! hock:
I see it made your engine check light come on. I wouldn't risk it getting that low, it can damage your cat if it starts coughing.
steviewevie 113.9 ! hock:
I see it made your engine check light come on. I wouldn't risk it getting that low, it can damage your cat if it starts coughing.