Couple of things for an IS.
Couple of things for an IS.
After acouple of things if anyones got any knocking about.
1st A Pillar trim drivers side non airbag in grey,mines got cig burns on it from previous owner, i've been after one for ages so if anyone can help:biggrin:
2nd front ash tray,for similar reason as above, it stinks of smoke i've scrubbed and bleached and aired it without joy so next option is a new one that's not been used for stubbing out ciggies.
cameron spray air freshner in it and leave it. should help.
cameron spray air freshner in it and leave it. should help.
Aztecbandit1 Might have both for you mate? i know i have a front ashtray but need to find the A piller to see if its any good
Aztecbandit1 Might have both for you mate? i know i have a front ashtray but need to find the A piller to see if its any good
I have an ashtray as well if aztec doesnt find his, you should of said last week
Sparkystav I have an ashtray as well if aztec doesnt find his, you should of said last week
Sparkystav I have an ashtray as well if aztec doesnt find his, you should of said last week
if you get an a-pillar i could do with your old one as i need to cut one up to start my pillar builds..
You can have it mate if I ever get an new one:Sulk: not looking likely at the moment tho.