Bl00dy kids
Bl00dy kids
Hello people
About 4.30 this afternoon my car alarm went off and seen kids running away thought they ran into it or something stupid.
Went outside and looked round car nothing till I noticed white mark on newly sprayed bonnet (looked like marks you get on sport hall floor when scuff trainer on it) thought was just from football then noticed one on roof. Then notice small greasy hand print on my bonnet at this point im getting annoyed then notice a scratch on bonnet. Closer look at bonnet I found something that horrifie me foot prints then found them out roof. My dad then turned up and notice some bents in the roof. The b4stered had only used the grill reses as a steep then ran up bonnet up front windscreen over roof slide down rear screen then used rear bumper to get off.
Damage is my recent resprayed front bumper and bonnet covered in scratchs 4 bent in roof sunroof dropped slightly, scratched rear screen then scratched and bented boot and scratched rear bumper.
I an so pi55ed off to say least
(I was hoping my 500th post would be a good one)
Oh mate, well gutted for you, just pathetic what some people find funny, it's usually those that will never amount to anything, agree with you Dave, it's all down to the parents:LOCMOD:
Hi people
Yes I know the kids it was 4 of them oldest was about 6.
3of them are siblinces and there dad was very apologetic. But other kids mum was like not my boy he scarred of highest.
Will know the full damage when I finish work as my dad giving it a clean and going to try polish scratches out.
With regards to the bents can only see them in right light but that not the point
A 6 yr old kid!!!!!!!!!, nice family by the sounds of it.
And the mum, bet her comment was "my boy would not do a thing like that", stupid woman.
Scarred of heights lol,
Sorry to hear about it Gary
well Ian, that's the difference between us and them mate.
But that makes the difference between us and them Ian, doesn't it...
Sorry to hear about it Gary.