Black Headlights
Black Headlights
After pair of black headlights. Not confident myself to paint a set so was wondering does anyone have a set they have taken off their car or have the Lexus darkened upgrade set?
I can swap for OEM ones or pay for them.
i will take pics for you soon. i sick right now and don't want to go out to the storeroom and dig around in boxes to find them. but i will if you can wait
Im in no rush for them matey. Hope you get better
Jay have you felt better to take them piccies
okey kokey my friend!
here you go mate. so you know i have not put the blacks in as i was waiting to fix a few things first. i have the extra set of blacks for the lights as well as the normal ones in there now
How much you selling these at as they are exactly what I am after.
you have pm