JAE Feedback Thread
JAE Feedback Thread
Hi All,
Just got back from JAE and i see a few pictures have already started going up :tongue_smilie:
Just thought i would start a little thread so people can comment on the weekend and add any comments, just make sure they are nice comments :Fish:
I just want to say that me and Sarah had an AWSOME time again with Outlaw Jap Club. No sooner had we left, Sarah said 'That goes far too quickly, can't wait till next year'
I really want to thank all those that worked endlessly over the weekend to setup etc and it really showed that people had put in the effort to benefit us members.
I also want to say a HUGE thankyou again to Heather and Phil, oh and Fang :laugh: who worked all weekend to make sure us hungry peeps where well fed. The food was awsome again!!!!!!!
All in all i thought we had a great stand and it was clearly a improvement on last year, bring on next year
Was going to make one of these mate, but here are my two cents:
I would like to thank these people:
The mods - Thank you guys for putting this meet together for all of us to enjoy.
The members - Thank you guys for the funny times and being there made it all better.
Cameron - Thank you mate for putting me up in a tent for two nights.
Bandit - Offered to stay with me till about 6 o clock if my dad had come to pick me up as he finished late.
Thank you all for the best time ever, can't wait for the next one, and this one went too soon.
JAE and OutLawJap Club just gets better and better , ive had a great time again
Was nice to get to know some of you alot better too - Like you Dave
Was a great weekend!! all three of us will be back again next year thats for sure!
just want to say thanks to all the people who rushed me into the show and shine competition right at the last minute when all the cars were still covered in tree sap and dust phil and heather and fang for helping in cleaning my car in between all the cooking much respect to them 3, dave and anyone else that helped and lent us cloths and sprays, and daniel for his work helping keep it clean throughout the year. then theres thanks that goes out to mr mole for letting his tittle slip for a year, next year will be a good competition mate, also thanks for voting me 2nd best ice, the whole club is amazing thank you to everyone roll on next year.
Had a crackin time as always. My head is still bright red with sunburn. It was good to catch up with old friends and to meet new ones. Roll on next year.
ps....does anyone have a photo of the blonde from TB developments, that was walking about with the stockings and suspenders and not much else? :w00t: