Having a **** day!!!
Having a **** day!!!
Having a **** day today, some :cursing: has hit my car and damaged the rear bumper, Cracked the paint and scraped it and left white paint scraped into the paint :cursing: well pd off, :mad:
No note or anything and nobody saw a thing as usual! :Shooting:
Going to be a right pain to do aswell as it'll need the rear bumper removing,sanding, priming and a full respray now :cursing: makes me wonder why i bother sometimes, some drivers want :Shooting: and then some :Bazza:
Its very rare for me to have a rant, but this has just :cursing: me off today!
Not a happy Bandit :angry:
Gutted for you mate
you need one of these:
constantly records the last few seconds, maybe could have caught them? cant see why you can have it running constantly
when did it happen?
sorry to hear that Chris, there are some numptie drivers these days.
that gadget is ideal Stav, g-force sensor to sensor a bump and then saves 30 seconds permantly, sounds ideal !
Happened about an hour ago, i even went round all the cars on the carpark to have a look, but nothing with damage so they must of shot off before i came back, i was only in the shop for 5mins :angry:
Will just sort it out either by respraying it, or i've just found another bumper in my colour on ebay for little money, so that might be an option?
hock:Ah no way mate, people who do this need a good kicking, probably had no insurance and obviously no conscience(spell check please) hope you get it sorted matey, gis a shout if you need owt.
The paint that i'll need and the work it needs to sort it out, is about the same cost as the bumper on ebay at the moment, so will watch it to see how the price goes and if nobody bids then i'll probably go for it?
It needed doing anyway as it had a scuff on the other side but wasn't half as bad as the one it has now? if it was just a light scuff i could of done it pretty quick but with it cracking the paint it'll need sanding down to plastic again, or i'll have to surface fill it and it wont look right for where it is? but will see
why dont you email the seller and explain whats happened and offer a price? you never know !