Fukushima 50
Fukushima 50
The bravery of the staff at the station is amazing!
Like i said in the other thread as part of the emergency response team i could be asked to do the same thing if there was a serious incident at my station and the thought of having to leave my family and friends is horrible, but its for the greater good to protect them.
I dont believe it will "explode" like Chernobyl but the plants will never work again and the area will be useless, but wont be widespread like the area around Chernobyl
Amazing story, putting myself in their shoes not sure I could do it.........speechless......
what the bwr reactors like at Fukushima?
the Wiki links quite good:
So the water passes directly past the fuel, turns to steam and then turns the turbine.
Whereas where i work:
The reactor heats CO2, that then heats water in a seperate boiler that turns to steam to turb the turbine.
The difference is the water never touches the fuel.
These guys are Heros in the true sence of the word.
Its a bit bruce willis armageddon, but the sad thing is these guys wont make it ...... Best of luck to the team of 300 working at the plant.....We salute you
Are the Fukushima reactors not RBMK ones like Chernobyl?
From all the data I ahve laboriously poured over regarding the chernobyl fall out to date only 268 radiation related deaths have been recorded and a minor increase in cases of thyroid cancer amongst men.
Obviously not sound figures as Russia did a heck of a cover up jobby on alot of it,
but still, its not amargeddon or whatever
The design is similar to chernobyl in that the water passes directly past the fuel but it is a lot safer design.
ah fair do's
just been reading up on the official death papers of people who attended the chernobyl site,
cant believe on of them tried to manually lower the rods and stared directly into the reactor core.......insane!