Is200 eyebrows
Is200 eyebrows
Ur be hard pressed to get a set from a member but there are 2 types I know of
1 set curves round the lights and u can find them on ebay UK for around 30+
And the 2nd set are straight from ebay US for around £40 plus delivery but these are either just in plastic black or in carbon fibre
I've been looking at the set from the US but u would have to get them sprayed to match
Hope that helps a little Karl
Yes mate it might be if you can find a headlight
I must say though that I do like brows and will be getting a set at some stage
But I've got afew jobs to do first like re spray the front end of my car
I've got some :p:p on my car :tongue_smilie:
Mine are the straight ones and are made of plastic, a lot of the ones you get now seem to be fibreglass, and they don't bend round the light like they should, so if you do go for a set try and get the plastic version :thumbup1:
Jim's got a set like mine on his is300 mate, can't remember where he got his from though?
just had a quick look mate and looks like there about £24.23 at the moment posted?