Best way to clean injectors....literally (Redex need not apply)
Best way to clean injectors....literally (Redex need not apply)
It seems that the injectors for my supercharger were placed in a rather dirty plastic zip bag
I've inspected a few of them and they seem to have a gritty substance on the surface so there's no way I'm going to install them without making sure they are 100% clean first.
What would be the best way to clean them up? Could I shoot some MAF cleaner through them for example? I want to make sure that they aren't clogged up with sh** while also giving them a bit of an overhaul before installing them.
ultrasonic baths are normally good for cleaning them up if you have access to one?
can you not clean them with petrol?
stav you've been watching too much Dr.Who, does he need the ultrasonic-screwdriver too?
stavs way looks like a good way of doing it, if you can find somewhere that wont charge too much to do it
I have a few at work, if your not in a rush you could post me them and ill stick them in
not sure what fluid to put in with them though, got some myself was just going to use demin water
Jim I have one if you send the injectors to me with a few beer tokens