Essex Urban Photography
Essex Urban Photography
Banzai want me to get some pictures of my car in urban settings with rather plainish backgrounds (i.e: no fields of barley, seaside pics, neon signs..etc), only thing is I've absolutely no idea where to go nearby.
I guess I'm looking for a factory setting maybe? I'd rather try and avoid car parks as multistorys will rip my bumper off.
Any ideas?
I say some thing like a building that's been pulled down would look good.
Have you been over where the old Visteon building was on Christopher Martin way Basildon.
I've not been past their but they pulled it down last year and I am unsure if they have built anything back on it.
What about the underpass on the Banzai run late at Night?
I think that may have been rebuilt now mate, but good call I'll have a mooch around that way to see if anything else has been pulled down.
I also thought about maybe against a wall that had some grafitti on it, but take the picture in monochrome? As my car is black and my wheels are grey, it might look quite good?
Dave seems fairly competent in Photoshop, just take them on your driveway and ask him nicely to place the car against the backdrop you want, anywhere you want in the world! lol