Navteq Streetview
Navteq Streetview
Is Navteq doing their own Google Streetview equivalent? Saw a car driving around this morning but unlike the google cars with just a camera on top it had some bizarre spinning contraption!
Wonder what other interesting features that might bring
jimxms Seem odd that they'd re-do something Google has already done and probably licenses out to companies. I cant even begin to guess how much it must have cost them.
Be interesting to see if they do have a new technology though.Maybe 3D street view :p
jimxms Seem odd that they'd re-do something Google has already done and probably licenses out to companies. I cant even begin to guess how much it must have cost them.
Be interesting to see if they do have a new technology though.Maybe 3D street view :p
jimxms Now that could potentially be sh*t hot!
Just imagine picking any street in the world and being able to walk down it virtual reality style!
jimxms Now that could potentially be sh*t hot!
Just imagine picking any street in the world and being able to walk down it virtual reality style!