NA-T GS300 Auto
NA-T GS300 Auto
DanielWatts Banging 9.5J Wheels 'coz that's how you roll
Well there's a pretty good chance I'll be picking up an NA Auto GS300 in the next couple of weeks.
I'd prefer a manual but this has popped up cheap, so going to enjoy being lazy for a while.
Down the line, is it straight forward enough to turbo the NA engines? I've no idea of cost, I don't really know too much about the GS platform or the NA 2j's...
If I keep it a while, it'd be nice to be boosted....
DanielWatts Banging 9.5J Wheels 'coz that's how you roll
Have a look at the whiffbitz na-t stuff for the supra. Will all bolt on, just a case of determining whether or not it will fit in the engine bay.