Help needed
Help needed
alamkhan3980 There seems to be an issue on the login screen.
The redirect screen appears, but does not display username as logged in. If you click Forum link it all seems ok once the login credentials have been entered.
alamkhan3980 There seems to be an issue on the login screen.
The redirect screen appears, but does not display username as logged in. If you click Forum link it all seems ok once the login credentials have been entered.
Lexusboy alamkhan3980 sorry are you given advice or are you having the same issues?
Lexusboy alamkhan3980 sorry are you given advice or are you having the same issues?
Sometimes this happens to me when I'm offshore.
Tell Terry to log in as normal then when the outlaw page comes up but he is not logged in click on one of the icon tabs at the top then once the page loads then the "new posts" icon should be there then he should be logged in.
virus maybe?
or just cause IE is S**T
I got the same problem that AlamKhan described, this morning. Where you login but it comes back to a page that makes it look like you're not logged in. But when you click on the "Forum" link it correctly shows you as being logged in.
Since several people are getting this, something must have changed somewhere ?
steviewevie I got the same problem that AlamKhan described, this morning. Where you login but it comes back to a page that makes it look like you're not logged in. But when you click on the "Forum" link it correctly shows you as being logged in.
Since several people are getting this, something must have changed somewhere ?
steviewevie I got the same problem that AlamKhan described, this morning. Where you login but it comes back to a page that makes it look like you're not logged in. But when you click on the "Forum" link it correctly shows you as being logged in.
Since several people are getting this, something must have changed somewhere ?