auto folding mirrors
auto folding mirrors
1st glanse possible r6 is in the wrong place should be the other side of the potensiometer might not make any difference
(been a while since i built it lol)
check the solder joint on d1 looks like it might be joint even though you have cut the track
c3 is the wrong side of transitor (again might not be a problem just going from what i can see)
That shouldn't cause a problem, I've just shuffled the pot to the end of the tracks and moves R6 across so I could get the potentiometer to the end of the board. Same with C3, It on the same pair of tracks, Just on a different part of it.
It's totally stumped me because I'm sure the circuit diagram for this would be identical to the original.
Scotty B.
I've just double checked the break between the terminals of D1, All the tracks been removed.
I just looked at the diagram again, The transistors ARE the right way around, Aren't they? If you follow the permanent positive along it looks like it goes into the lower of TR1's pins first. Is that right?
Scotty B.
The pot has 3 legs. You choose one of the outer ones depending if you want the resistance to go up when you turn it clockwise or anticlockwise. I tested this with a multimeter before fitting it.
I'm using the top two pins (When looked at in the middle picture). The track to the bottom pin is cut and I added a link wire to bring the output of the pot to the track with the second pin down on the right of the 555 chip. The track on the other side of this link is also cut to keep the little section with the pot on it separate from the rest of the board.
As I said, It's likely to be something blindingly obvious........ Though it could also be I something as difficult to diagnose as a dud component.
Scotty B.
Rabster then it all looks fine mate could be the capacitor is to big lol
Rabster then it all looks fine mate could be the capacitor is to big lol