JAE ticket details
JAE ticket details
16 days to go before the ticket line is closed come on lets get those tickets ordered.
Anyone else needs tickets please ask to be added onto the list.
Also what about the team OJC We still have places for most of the activetys.
We currently need more people for tug of war.
Tyre endurance competition - individuals -
Japanese Food and Drink competition (Saturday) - individuals
Remember that Cameron may not be able to make the show but we are holding is postion as long as possible.
Also you may want to add your vehicle with Mr Mole for the show and shine.
Excellent, will add you to the list icemahn. You will see that we're asking for a small payment if you want a space on our club stand (and for camping too, but sounds like you're not going to be staying over) to cover our costs.
It's of course entirely up to you as to which club you choose to buy your tickets from, and whose stand you would rather be on ! :biggrin:
How much is it for Kids, 12 & 13 my boys are!! or are they free?
It doesn't say anything about only one child per adult, just that under 14s are free with an accompanying adult, so I imagine your kids will be fine Marcus.
Marsdendean I would just tell the other club you have already signed up for, just to be fair on them.
Marsdendean I would just tell the other club you have already signed up for, just to be fair on them.
Gord You will be ok Marcus, ive taken 2 of mine before free
Gord You will be ok Marcus, ive taken 2 of mine before free