Confirm JAE ticket address 2010
Confirm JAE ticket address 2010
Good news tickets are now in hand for those that are joining us at JAE:thumbup:
Can everyone that has ordered JAE 2010 Tickets please confirm that your Paypal address is the address that you require your ticket to be sent too.
I will be sending these out week beginning 16th August.
The OutlawJapClub management look forward to seeing our members new and old at this great event.
Check list..
Booking advance food:
Taking part in events at JAE:
Booking tickets for those that want more or have not paid yet:
How to find you way there:
Address as Paypal :thumbup:
Think Paypal is correct - but seeing you later on anyway!!
yeap, paypal addy mate
My address is correct as well. will hopefully be sending money for tickets and food for my three mates later this week