JAE 2010 map
JAE 2010 map
Here is where you can find the OutlawJapClub Stand
The Club will have two large feather banners so look out for them as you can see from the map below we are near all the traders stand, so please head towards the traders area on your arrival.
You are welcome to attend from Friday morning.
Please drive in a sensible manor at all time around the event or you could be asked to leave the event by the organiser.
Don't forget we have lots of new things to do at this years show such as 4x4 RADIO CONTROLLED CARS if you have a RC vehicle why not bring it along..
Show and shine event please go to http://www.japcarclub.com/page.php?a=2&s=90&p=90 and fill in the form if interested...
Limited spaces are available
Ian, how do i go about giving out a free ticket, with a couple of complications:
As you may know my dad is not going, but will be there friday night, and obviously he will need to use his ticket, could we just vie his ticket and food ticket to someone else? Would they still be able to use it?
Motegi Kev
Would i be right in saying, we are more or less in the same place as last year?
Well only a 505 mile drive down for us tonight :thumbup1: