Swiss Alps Trip 2010
Swiss Alps Trip 2010
Do we have any further takers for this great trip?
You may get your car added to the thread that Bansai magazine are doing on this trip
Some of us are booking our crossing and hotel tickets in early April although you can take a chance in booking later but there is no guarantee to getting in the same hotel or booked on the same crossing if left later, but you’re always welcome to try
If you want your name added or removed please let me know
I so want to go, but just can't make a decision ATM.
No not the MR2!! to many far to go with the suspension on that car - is SOLID, when you jack you the car the wheels go up instantly - no give at all!!
I would have to take a fuel efficient car to be able to afford it.
probably take the wife.
Once the Lex is gone, the PX that has been offered sold on and another car bought (that suits my needs) I will have a better idea what's going to happen this year. I feel like a motor trader at the moment!!