will my 97 Gs300 have TC?
will my 97 Gs300 have TC?
as its now sat under 15" (and counting) of snow i,ll not be using it soon BUT will my 97 Gs SE have TC?
it has,nt got a switch on the dash so it either does,nt have it or it does but i cant switch it off.
any ideas??? i,m only asking as i know big autos with wide tyres are USELESS but TC makes things much worse.
Doesn't that model have a box on the engine marked tc? Pop the bonnet and take a look.
2tongues Doesn't that model have a box on the engine marked tc? Pop the bonnet and take a look.
2tongues Doesn't that model have a box on the engine marked tc? Pop the bonnet and take a look.
it won;t matter until the car is free, so he can look then
ive been told by a nother lexus club that uk spec gs300 do not have traction control.ive got a 1996 gs300 mk1 sport and it has not got traction control.
thanks for the advice guys. as mentioned i,ll have a look under the bonnet when it thaws out but i suppose the easiest way of knowing is to boot it and see what happens. there will be enough ice around here for a long time yet :whistling:
Won't matter much if you don't have TC, Toyota TC isn't the best system out there.
I think LS only got TC in it's 4th generation (around 98) and it was the first model to get it - so would assume the GS only got it when the mk2 arrived.
This is a Mk I GS, right ? It's got a VSC system, but as you say, I don't think there's a switch to turn it off. Might be a fuse though, though that could be combined with other functions.