Viper VX480 Wire colours????
Viper VX480 Wire colours????
Hi all not sure if anyone can help me but worth a try ive got a viper vx80 on my old pug 306 and looking to install on my is200. Just wondering if anyone knows how to wire one up or colour codes for the cables so i need to connect just cant find anything on google which surprises me thx in advance outlaws has always been a great help!!!!
ive got hold of the manual but dont offer much really just features and setting them up im gonna take out of my pug and take notes of whats going where but gonna be a bit of along job!! any help will be much appreciated mate thx!!!
Most alarms have 2 manuals, the user manual and the installer manual. You'll need the 2nd one, which are normally a bit more difficult to get hold of.
And if it's thatcham certified the 4 immobiliser wires will be black, so you'll need more than just the wire colours to know what's what!
Careful if you are required to have cat 1 cover for insurance, they will require an approved installation certificate
purplewitch Careful if you are required to have cat 1 cover for insurance, they will require an approved installation certificate
purplewitch Careful if you are required to have cat 1 cover for insurance, they will require an approved installation certificate
Rabster Well that's my install failed even thought it was installed and certified by a company
Rabster Well that's my install failed even thought it was installed and certified by a company
lol thx rabster!!! ill have acrack at this this weekend hopefully