Viper VX480 Wire colours????
Viper VX480 Wire colours????
Incidently, i took a fob apart the other day and theres a tiny black "rock" inside it, i believe this is the immobiliser chip and so the only part you need in the car, thus keeping the "button part" of the fob.
yeah once you have broken the tracks you will be able to identify which is which
lock will flash 12v on one
unlock will flash 12v on the other
both will be on the upper side of the board
indicators is easy to do and
all door switches etc are locatable in the drivers cable harness under carpet
i have my own design of window closure its complicated to explain lol
there are easy ways to do it
Sparkystav Incidently, i took a fob apart the other day and theres a tiny black "rock" inside it, i believe this is the immobiliser chip and so the only part you need in the car, thus keeping the "button part" of the fob.
Sparkystav Incidently, i took a fob apart the other day and theres a tiny black "rock" inside it, i believe this is the immobiliser chip and so the only part you need in the car, thus keeping the "button part" of the fob.
complicated **** ill get this done first then ill do that! lol so when i get the start button have the fob part in the car around the ignition barrel and this would work then mmmm interesting! when i get this done ive gotta come meet u andrew and shake your hand mate always a great help
ill have a crack 2moz and keep u posted mate im sure ill be back for help soon lol :wink:
found alarm disarm cable so should be smooth sailing 2moz cant wait wanna do it now if only my garage had a light!!!
Instead of taping it to the steering column Whig disables it permanent I'd get a bypass box that only disables it when there's power from the push button kit. Which in turn can be linked so it only works when the car is properly unlocked.
Rabster OK looking at the wiring details
you will still need to indentify which relay does what on the standard ecu in the car once you have done this you will then need to do the following
on the lock tracks of the board connect the follwing
Green/Black to upper side of lock track
white/black to lower side of lock track
violet/black constand 12v
Unlock side of track
blue/Black to upper side of unlock
brown/black to lower side of unlock track
violet constand 12v
constant 12v will need to be 20amps
this Should allow the after market alarm to interface with standard door locks circuits and still allow the switch in drivers door to work....
do your doors dead lock on single lock or double press of the key (Standard fob)
if they do you may have to set the alarm to double pulse on the output to dead lock (this is only a guess on this part)
I know we've talked about this but why do this when you can go into the drivers door switch like I've been testing? Does this do something different?
Rabster OK looking at the wiring details
you will still need to indentify which relay does what on the standard ecu in the car once you have done this you will then need to do the following
on the lock tracks of the board connect the follwing
Green/Black to upper side of lock track
white/black to lower side of lock track
violet/black constand 12v
Unlock side of track
blue/Black to upper side of unlock
brown/black to lower side of unlock track
violet constand 12v
constant 12v will need to be 20amps
this Should allow the after market alarm to interface with standard door locks circuits and still allow the switch in drivers door to work....
do your doors dead lock on single lock or double press of the key (Standard fob)
if they do you may have to set the alarm to double pulse on the output to dead lock (this is only a guess on this part)
i did metion this stav but rabster said the output not enough to do so?? how did the testing go doing it that way mate?
Seems to work mate as it's the same as pressing the door button?