OK I'm behind the times but
OK I'm behind the times but
I use to have the Wii, but got rid of it my bro has a ps3 which is decent, but I prefer pc games.
my laptop has a 256mb dedicted ATi card, which can handle Crysis at about 15 FPS in medium, which is rubbish, my bros new laptop can handle it at around 15 FPS in high mode which is decent for a 600 pound laptop.
Im looking at building another PC for gaming purposes, built one last time and sold it and managed to get my money back.
This time I was to built it in a way I can easily upgrade it, something like a Sli setup, then buy one decent graphics card, the in the future if the same one becomes cheaper then can buy another and double the graphics in Sli mode (double graphics card on the same motherboard)
got plans but need atleast 500 free to build it to the spec I want and need to play games such as Crysis, COD4: Modern Warfare, Prototype, Supreme Commander as top rate FPS.
Roadside Tech Have we got a thread with 360 gamer tags?Not yet but feel free to start one !
Roadside Tech Have we got a thread with 360 gamer tags?Not yet but feel free to start one !
just done it:wink:
aaronabbott just done it:wink:
aaronabbott just done it:wink:
halo3 a supergame mate ille play u online when ure sorted thats me no1 game
Loving Halo3,
No internet at home so sorry can't play on line.