Awesome install, nice work guys! :thumbup:
So today was the latest in adding a few more items and sort out a few problems with the Sc430.
First problem was i been having issue with the sound breaking up, we first thought it was the Radio or the amp.
What it turned out to be was a short in the drivers door, so once that was sorted we went about looking to get rid of the cassette cartridge that help with the sound for the earlier computer set up to power the sound from the head unit .
With the SC it is fairly expensive to sort out the car Mark Levison System so you can get the sound to work with the Centrafuse software, but if anyone knew how to do it then Rabster would.
Rabster had us pull out the Radio unit and he cut four wires that were going into the head unit and rewired these to audio cable and now the whole system works very well indeed.
I will post some photo's up of the whole system working tomorrow.
So after this was finished Rabster went about adding a few more pieces of soft ware to my car in the form of a new Sat Nav Software.
Over the next week or so the ob2 reader will also be added to this set up all cables have already been run waiting for the arrival of the reader.
Now I need to down load more films and add a lot more music to the Computer.
A couple of extra parts have been ordered and Rabster is looking at adding a steering wheel control module to the car but this will take a bit of programming to get it to work in the way we want.
The steering wheel Module is already fitted to the car but to control the head unit and not the Centrafuse software.
Again thank you Rabster for all your hard work:thumbup1:
We want pics Ian...
And a further :thumbup: to the electronics whiz :wink:
What you needed was the OEM integration system I virtually gave away a month ago!!!
But as usual Rabster found another way to do the job!!Well done indeed.
Here a video of the computer install for some reason the sound not working right after i down loaded it on the first half of the video