Greddy emanage blue £150????
Greddy emanage blue £150????
THe blue is ****, and the price isnt really a bargain for it.
as has been said the Ultimate is good, esp if you want to try tuning a little yourself.
The AEM is a bit better.
looking at the prices there isnt alot difference between the AEM fic and Greddy Ultimate so is worth the saving me thinks thanks for all the help guys every1 always willing help and give advice!!!
ormi i was offered the blue for £100 last week but im unsure...even with the bigger pulley my boost levels wont be that it might be ok
ormi i was offered the blue for £100 last week but im unsure...even with the bigger pulley my boost levels wont be that it might be ok
I take thats what you have rolex what one you got mate cant seem to find the prices for them
Stav has a link g4 on his 1G-GTE conversion mate. He should have more information about it.
for budget, you cannot beat tghe AEM FIC. I was one of the first in the UK rto use it. I used it on my Celica Turbo conversion.