please help asap
please help asap
ah now i see!
why not use the opportunity to buy a set of stainless hoses!
because im skint mate, its 3 weeks before xmas and and i have just had to buy a master cylinder and just said il buy demons bumper
well to add insult to injury i got the second master cylinder i have bought and its now doing the same thing as the first one did, spongy pedal and rears wont lock up, also now have trc light flashing and handbrake light on all the time please help guys
just a quick update i got in the car this morn to take to work and the trc light is off as norm and also the handbrake warning light is off and back to norm, the brakes do seem a bit better too but not 100 %,
has any one heard from ormi in the last few days, been trying to reach him but not sure if he on holidays or some thing
Can't say that I have, he may well be very busy at work as its so close to xmas
Just send him a msg and I'm sure he will get back to you
i have done and geting pretty desperate with my car now as the brakes are still shot and dont know what else to try
The only thing I can suggest then Dave is you get it to a garage near you for them to look at
i have, they said the seal in the master cylinder had gone so a bought a second hand one fitted it all bled great apart from the back brakes were locked on, bought new flexi pipes bit still the same , so has to be faulty master cylinder, bought another master cylinder but have exactley the same problem as the orig one that was on the car after i fitted the painted calipers, still spongy and pedal feels soft so got to be air in the system just cant get a garage to get it out
I am wondering if there is some **** that has found its way in to your ABS unit - this is next to impossible to shift. It wll give this spongy feeling also.
You could try flushing the whole system - take it to someone who has the correct tools for a proper full flush.