Big Big Favour needed !!!!!!!!!!
Big Big Favour needed !!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone , I'm needing a favour if you dont mind.
I'm stuck offshore where the internet is Very slow and the time you get on it is also restricted !!!
So my question is could someone help and search the web to find me a FRONT DRIVERS SIDE BRAKE CALLIPER FOR MY 54 PLATE BMW X3 which is a 3L petrol sport ??
I would not normaly ask , but it is just not possable for me to do it from here .
Thanks in advance for any help given , Moley :thumbup1:
theirs lots on ebay mate
this is the best deal
the above you get two calipers for £225 and then when you return the old ones you get £80 back so your really only paying £145 for two new calipers...
Thanks Ormi I went for just the one caliper and a set of mintex brake pads, have some rep mate.