L Reg Silver Supra...
L Reg Silver Supra...
purplewitch I get excited just hearing the word Supra .. I nearly popped at Suprapod last year when there were just supra after supra as far as the eye can see !
purplewitch I get excited just hearing the word Supra .. I nearly popped at Suprapod last year when there were just supra after supra as far as the eye can see !
They were a bit mean making you park so far away weren't they lol.. You see where I gained my if it's not a supra it doesn't exist attitude now don't you, it's implanted surgically when they give you your membership card
purplewitch They were a bit mean making you park so far away weren't they lol.. You see where I gained my if it's not a supra it doesn't exist attitude now don't you, it's implanted surgically when they give you your membership card
purplewitch They were a bit mean making you park so far away weren't they lol.. You see where I gained my if it's not a supra it doesn't exist attitude now don't you, it's implanted surgically when they give you your membership card