rain and electrics
rain and electrics
ok more randomness i know i need a new bonnet as well as a lot of things still on my list but.... on the drive to work this morning get a mile or so into my journey when suddenly the fuel low light starts flashing, never seen this before, so diverted to get some fuel filled it up even though i knew it had loads in anyways, after turning the car on and off and giving the ecu a reset as no codes were being pulled by the scan gauge headed back to work, again the fuel light started flashing, continued and got to work still no codes on the SG. so pull up at work and as i stopped i noticed the water temp gauge dropped as if all power to it had been taken away, so gave another reset and left it till home time, on the drive home again a mile down the road king fuel light again and noticed the water temp gauge not increasing and the mpg gauge wasnt doing its thing either until i stopped in traffic then the water temp would icrease to the temp it was at and when driving again it fell to zero. the mpg gauge was giving random readings but mainly stayed at zero or 80 there wasnt much movement. so i think some waters got in somewhere. anyone got any ideas??? thanks
the only witchanics i need is for the rain to stop falling on my car please sam
I had that a couple of times, could be the normal water in the footwell?
Sorry Dino, I like the beading on my car, it's soooo pweeeety
Hope you get sorted though, Electrickery troubles scare me in cars
cheers stav will have an investigate.
sam you can keep the cloud above your car just move my one pleaseeeeee
But you know how generous n sharing I am, seems so wrong to keep the lovely beady bubbles all to myself !
ok can you shift them to the rear of my car then pleases
I have a roll of clingfilm left from when my windscreen shattered .. Wrap your vents
ive been thinking of that but its not very strong what i need is some perspex!