Little write up on the evolution of my car
Little write up on the evolution of my car
New door card fitting started this aft.
I bought these beauties off stix and co
Nicely made, good speakers, but terrible colour!
So I took them apart carefully and sprayed it up in plain black
Much better:
Also fitted the new inlet manifold. Mmmmmmmmm
Changed my cabin filter today,
A simple job but def needed!
Finishing the engine bay this week to hopefully spray it up next weekend. Then the engine can go back in. Will be nearly there then!
My swirl pot if fully madeup now, just needs powdercoating for a bit of protection.
Looks good, but won't be seen hidden under the car lol.
Also got a new battery for the boot, a nice gel one, slowly getting there!
Lol I only changed it a couple of years ago.
Yeah the swirl pot if custom made for my sizing to fit where I want it (above the diff) and half the price of an off the shelf one!
Everything is looking great Stav !! You have done some amazing work. Show off lol
Welding is looking good mate, it's so smoooooooooooooooooooooth
el_bandido Welding is looking good mate, it's so smoooooooooooooooooooooth
el_bandido Welding is looking good mate, it's so smoooooooooooooooooooooth
Stav, is your engine still coil on plug or did you have to swap to a dizzy on the GTE?