What have you done to your car today?
What have you done to your car today?
New front brakes fitted, new (used but OK) wheels fitted, topped up engine oil and brake fluid.
Spent the day trying to find the cause of my alternator whine.
Couldn't find the true source but a couple of loop isolators have solved the problem.
Also ripped out my cd changers and alpine cd changer selector box. If anyone's interested?
toxo Today I won an HKS OB-Link via JAE... Shame I don't own a vehicle new enough to have OBD-II lol
toxo Today I won an HKS OB-Link via JAE... Shame I don't own a vehicle new enough to have OBD-II lol
Rabster I found a lamp post with the car
Rabster I found a lamp post with the car