Outlaw Jap Club T&C
Outlaw Jap Club T&C
Club Terms & Conditions of The Outlaw Jap Club membership (Club & Internet Forum)
Basic Membership of this site is completely free. It is run by a team of like-minded Japanese car enthusiasts who give their time freely to help the smooth running of the club, whilst promoting a friendly & informative knowledgebase to help our members. The rules outlined below are merely a guide. Attempts to circumvent, bend or to go against the spirit of the rules can result in a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum. The spirit of the rules is as important as the rules themselves.
This is a friendly club and we hope all members will act respectfully towards each other. This also includes Authorised Traders. You can always agree to disagree, don’t make or take things personally. Most of us here are grown up enough to get on nicely with each other, but a few may come & go who like to make life difficult for others. Bullying of any sort, blasphemy or racism will not be tolerated.
Moderators & Outlaw Jap Club Admin are to be respected at all times, they have a difficult job to do. Be courteous & polite to the Outlaw Jap Club Team. It costs nothing. If you have any issues that you feel are not being resolved with a Club Member or Moderator, please contact Admin staff that can then look into any problems. We are all human & can sometimes make mistakes. Please inform us if we do so. Moderators do not edit posts for the fun of it.
When posts are edited by a moderator, they should always show a reason for the edit. This is not the case when a whole post or thread has had to be removed. You will find all of our team is approachable, so if you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask. However deliberately kicking up a fuss for no reason other than to cause trouble will result in a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum.
The Moderators/Admin are not here to censor your views or opinions. However we reserve the right to remove/edit/change posts as we see fit to keep within the Clubs Terms & Conditions & legal responsibilities, whilst promoting a friendly atmosphere, and the smooth running of the forum. The Outlaw Jap Club reserves the right to remove any or all posts by members to deliberately promote other websites or internet forums. If you wish to do so, please ask a member of the Moderating Team before you post any such links. Members persistently spamming the forum will have posts removed without warning and risk being permanently banned from the club.
Feedback from Outlaw Jap Club Members
As a Club/Online Forum, we welcome feedback from our members. However any attempt to deliberately incite unrest amongst our members and the club is frowned upon. Use of another forum to bring the club into disrepute will not be tolerated. For this action, you may receive a warning, a suspension, or a permanent ban from this Club & Forum. Posting merely to cause disruption or just to be unpleasant will also suffer the same punishment. This includes posting to perpetuate a conflict or argument, or to libel or slander another OJC member, a trader, a website, a person or company. Members must not use the public forums to facilitate protracted disputes and/or differences of opinion, nor use profanity or insults against another member. Be nice.
Information on the Outlaw Jap Club Forum
Any & all information gathered from The Outlaw Jap Club, http://www.outlawjapclub.com/forum is at your own risk. The intention of the forum is to help members find solutions to car related issues on a wide variety of Japanese Cars. We want you to enjoy your car & get the best from it. The day to day advice is there to help members learn about their cars. If that information contained saves members money, then that is good. The advice is freely given, but if in any kind of doubt, contact a professional tradesperson. Do not rely on information being freely given on the forum as being 100% correct. Opinions are those of the author, we cannot determine the accuracy of advice given. Neither the club nor its members will be liable in any way if something goes wrong after you have acted on information found on the forum/website. Common sense is not something we sell, we expect you to have your own, so do not blame us if it goes wrong. Seek professional help if you are in any doubt.
Forum Content
The Outlaw Jap Club (Admin & Moderating Team) reserves the right at any time to remove posts, threads or even members without prior warning or notification, or to alter/split or edit posts that are failing to keep within the spirit of the club, or for causing possible legal issues.
Outlaw Jap Club Workshop Guides - When submitting Workshop Guides, please give as much detailed information as possible. Not only in the text, but also in the pictures. You could add some arrows or text to pictures, so the instructions are very clear. For some members this will be the first time they are attempting work or modifications on their car, if the job is relatively straightforward, make the Workshop Guide in a similar manner. To start with, once you have collected all your data and written your text, before you submit them, the first thing to do is to list any & all tools used, along with other materials or components needed to accomplish the task. Also include if another pair of hands will make the job easier, or are needed for safety reasons. Any safety precautions are to be highlighted or marked in bold to raise awareness. The more effort you put in to making your walkthrough/guide as well structured, illustrated & easy to understand as possible, the more help this will be to the Outlaw Jap Club Members. The Outlaw Jap Club would like to thank you for your efforts.
Outlaw Jap Club Workshop Guides Disclaimer
Once you have read the Workshop Guide, go back and read it again. These Guides are to assist you, nothing more. If there are parts you do not understand, post a question in the forum about it, or to the author of the Guide. Making sure you understand the task at hand, and then with proper preparation for it should mean the task will be easier. Remember all safety precautions, if the guide says it is a two person task, ignore at your peril. These are by no means full workshop maintenance instructions, nor comprehensive modification data, they are written by Outlaw Jap Club members intended to be informative DIY instructions to assist other Outlaw Jap Club Members. If you feel the job in hand is too complex, or too difficult in some way, do not attempt it. Consult a professional automotive expert. If in any doubt, do not attempt it. Neither the Outlaw Jap Club nor the Author of the Guide will be held liable for any damage, loss, personal injury, or loss of use howsoever caused by following these guides.
Please do not advertise a company or service in your signature unless you have previously been given express permission to do so by a member of the Admin Team. You can provide a link to a company or service in a post in a relevant section, if you have personally paid for an item or service which was for your own personal use. You can post general links you feel would be very useful to club members, but there must be no link between yourself and the company in question. Persistent promotion of links by members to any particular company or website is not allowed. OJC members are not to attempt to act as intermediaries with outside traders. If you know of a website, company or business that may be interested in becoming a trader on the Outlaw Jap Club, please ask them to contact [email protected] . If in any doubt whatsoever, please contact a member of the Moderating Team for guidance. Abuse of this privilege can mean a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum.
These will not be offensive in any way, nor link in some way to a website, company or business. Usernames or logins that advertise or promote websites, companies or businesses are liable to be changed without warning. If you wish to use any such username/login, it needs to be done purely with the express permission of the Outlaw Jap Club. Please send an email [email protected] before you create any such username/login, or you risk having your account suspended. If there is a problem, we reserve the right to change your login/username to keep in line with this. You will be notified of the change by your email address you have supplied to us.
be as brief as possible. Signatures are to be kept to a small picture jpeg of 320 Pixels wide x 75 Pixels high (max) and 2 lines of text, or no picture & 4 lines of text (this is including any blank lines). People viewing the Outlaw Jap Club Forum are more interested in posts, than in member’s signatures. Any signature failing to comply with these limits will be removed without warning. Continued misuse may result in a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum. Signature font size is not to be altered in any way. Signatures can link to your own threads on Outlaw Jap Club only. If you wish to promote an external website with details of your car, please contact Admin for permission.
These are to be kept to a maximum size of 100 pixels Wide x 100 pixels high. Any avatar not complying with this will be removed without warning. Continued misuse may result in a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from the Club.
E-Bay links
These are only to be provided for the helpful use of other Outlaw Jap Club Members, for items they may well find relevant & useful. At no point are you to attempt to profit from such links. This includes posting links to items friends or colleagues have for sale, or you have for sale yourself. There is no room for any misunderstanding here, the only exception is for valid Subscription Members.
Selling on the Outlaw Jap Club - Subscription Members only
Valid Outlaw Jap Club Membership Card holders are be allowed to sell items they own in the for sale section. You are not allowed to sell/attempt to sell for a friend. Where the staff find posts such as "Thinking of selling" or "How much is it worth ?” it will be deemed as an attempt to sell, and be removed without warning. For this you may get a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum. Currently only members who have paid for a valid years’ subscription can place a single item for sale in the correct section. You can sell several items, but are required to list them separately. However if you have several of the same kind of item e.g.: spark plugs (set of 6 etc) this is an exception to the rule. If you are in any doubt, please check with a member of our team before you advertise the item(s) for sale. Failure to abide by these terms can result in removal from the forum of the item(s) in question, a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum. You must not place hyperlinks over pictures in any way on this forum. Any attempt to assist an unauthorised Trader in selling items via Outlaw Jap Club will result in a warning, a suspension, or a permanent ban from this Club & Forum dependant on the offence.
Unsocial or Illegal Behaviour
Any form of dangerous or illegal driving on the public highway IS NOT in any way advocated by http://www.OutlawJapClub.com nor will it be tolerated if publicised, promoted or encouraged by club members (more so if it involves Outlaw Jap Club Members). Any behaviour that brings the reputation of this Club, website and forum into disrepute will not be tolerated. This includes Club Meets & driving to & from them. This also includes promoting an illegal activity such as illegal downloads from the internet, or illegally copying software etc. This can mean a warning, a suspension, or permanent ban from this Club & Forum.
Caps Lock
Please refrain from leaving your caps lock on when you are posting. It is impolite; you do not need to shout. Continued misuse may result in a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum.
Spamming of the forum - (for advertising purposes)
This will be dealt with harshly by our Team. An extended suspension or even a permanent ban could result for this infraction of the T&C’s.
Spamming of the threads
No one minds a joke or two but continued one or two word posts (not in the word association game thread etc) just to bump up your post count could result in a warning. Continued offences after a warning will be dealt with in a more severe manner. Please try to keep off topic comments to an absolute minimum.
Bumping Threads
Bumping a Meet as it is close is fine. However bumping old posts for no good reason whatsoever could result in a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum. Things from the past are generally best left there. Unless there is a very good reason, leave posts older than 1 year alone.
Not everyone who views this site is liable to be over 18. There are swear filters on the forum, please do not use derivatives or disguised swear words. The filters are there to filter this stuff out and are not an invitation to try and get around them. As an Outlaw Jap Club member, if you witness forum content or activity that you feel is unsuitable, please bring it to the attention of our team as soon as possible.
Personal Messages (or PM‘s)
Profanity or personal attacks using PM’s will not be tolerated. If you receive such a PM, please report it as soon as possible to a member of the Outlaw Jap Club Team.
Personal Information
Members will refrain from posting personal addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, bank details or any other personal information on Outlaw Jap Club. You can PM the details by all means. Such information should never be posted on the Outlaw Jap Club without express permission from an Outlaw Jap Club Admin.
Official Trading Partners &Trading on the Outlaw Jap Club
Our trading partners are expected to remain within the rules and the spirit of the club at all times. Along with our standard membership T&C’s there are further T&C’s that apply only to traders. Be respectful to members & fellow traders alike. You can disagree by all means, but you must remain respectful. If there is a problem, please notify a member of our Admin staff .There will be no libel or slander of OJC Members, Traders, websites, persons or businesses. If you are interested in placing an advertising banner or link on our forum, or just purely offering a discount to our members please contact [email protected] for further information.
Outlaw Jap Club Funds
Money we raise from advertising banners, Outlaw Jap Club membership or competitions & Raffles etc will initially go into paying for the club’s set up costs, and for the day to day running expenses of the Club. The target financially is to be clear of that as soon as we can, further monies raised will pay for other Member Benefits such as Club Stands, Banners and other expenses (maybe a subsidised Annual Outlaw Jap Club Party etc), which will hopefully make these events more enjoyable for you our members.
Outlaw Jap Club Subscription Membership
This will entitle you to the following benefits.
Access to a range of discounts from various companies and suppliers
The ability to add details of your cars to the club website Garage
Access to the Outlaw Lounge
Permission to post your items/cars for sale in the relevant forum sections
Early access to event tickets, where possible
Upgraded forum features such as being able to use animated avatars and animated signatures
Additional forum features such as personal mood etc Increased size of your private messaging inbox Plus of course the gratitude of the club's admin / moderator staff, and other fellow members, for helping to contribute to the costs of running the Outlaw Jap Club !
The outlaw subscription is only avaliable to over 16's any attempts to register a user account that is used by anyone under this age limit will be susspended or removed at the admins discression
The club membership pack also includes :
2 Small club stickers
2 Kanji Stickers
1 large club sticker
Outlaw Jap Club Subscription Membership currently costs £15 for a year.
This cost may change in the future, although you will be duly notified of any change.
Outlaw Jap Club Members
As our members, you are our most treasured asset. We are nothing without you, and the knowledge you share on the forum. If you feel we aren’t doing something as well as we can, please let us know. We are human, and can make mistakes or overlook something. First step Moderator, second step Admin (if it becomes necessary). Helpful input or constructive criticism is fine. This is not an excuse to have a go at a Moderator or Admin. Such behaviour will not be tolerated and a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum can result.
Outlaw Jap Club Meets
We encourage our members to attend meets wherever possible. It is a great way to make new friends, put a name to face, or just to see some very nice cars. Unless officially agreed with club Admin, meets are not to be made in the Outlaw Jap Club name. They are privately promoted/organised events, even if they are posted on the OJC Forum. The club are not liable in any way for unofficial meets and have no liability to persons, or property damaged whilst travelling to or from a Meet, or whilst attending a Meet.
Outlaw Jap Club Members @ Meets
We would ask any member when going to an organised meet such as JAE, Japshow etc to remember they are representing the club. This includes travelling to or from the meet, either alone or in a convoy. As such we expect members to respect each other, the venue, plus any other car clubs present. We want Outlaw Jap Club to be welcomed back to Meets & Organised Shows time & time again. Persons failing to represent the club in a positive way will be asked not to attend further Outlaw Jap Club Meets, and (depending on the circumstances) poor behaviour/actions could result in a warning, a suspension, or permanent ban from this Club & Forum.
Libel or Slander
The Outlaw Jap Club take no responsibility over comments that may be deemed libel or slander on our forum. We cannot monitor the forum 24 hours a day. If you feel a comment is unfair/libellous, firstly please contact [email protected] to advise us of the issue. We will undertake any action that is deemed necessary on behalf of the Outlaw Jap Club to protect the club from legal liabilities & will do our very best to remain fair. If the information is deemed by us to be slander or libellous, or being in connection with any serious legal matter to which an investigation is underway, or a criminal case or other legal case is pending etc we will remove it without warning. Members or traders deliberately libelling or slandering others will have their Outlaw Jap Club account suspended, possibly permanently.
Posting Objectionable or Pornographic Images
Not all visitors to the site are 18+. Posting such images or graphic descriptions of such material will result in a ban. If you are in any doubt about content you wish to post, please contact a Moderator or Admin for an opinion before posting. No exceptions.
Other Adult Content - Please try to remember minors may well view this site. Jokes of an adult nature/sexual content are not to be posted on the forum or other content unsuitable to minors.
http://www.outlawjapclub.com is NOT affiliated with the car manufacturers mentioned throughout the site. Car manufacturer logos or information used throughout http://www.outlawjapclub.com belong to the individual companies and are used for identification purposes only.
Enforcement of these rules will be at the discretion of Outlaw Jap Club Admin & Moderators. Punishment may range from a warning, a suspension, or if problems still continue, a permanent ban from this Club & Forum. These rules are subject to change without warning, but The Outlaw Jap Club will try to ensure members are aware of any rule changes.
Best Regards
Admin @ The Outlaw Jap Club