Little write up on the evolution of my car
Little write up on the evolution of my car
She has a swift, but only the 1.3GL not the sport model
What's number 30 Stav, the "Anti-jack box" ?
steviewevie What's number 30 Stav, the "Anti-jack box" ?
steviewevie What's number 30 Stav, the "Anti-jack box" ?
Sparkystav its a little box that locks the doors when you start moving mate,
Sparkystav its a little box that locks the doors when you start moving mate,
steviewevie Thanks. I thought maybe it was something to do with stopping people jacking your car up
steviewevie Thanks. I thought maybe it was something to do with stopping people jacking your car up
micromarc Tell us more my friend:biggrin:
micromarc Tell us more my friend:biggrin:
i just bought it off ebay mate,
just search for them im sure youll find one, i came across it by accident