A question for the admins/mods on OJC...
A question for the admins/mods on OJC...
If I directed a member of OJC to another forum (via PM) to read a particular post/thread, would the mods here warn me/and or give me a temporary posting suspension?
I thought PM's were private and why are mods reading private PM's? I've asked the mod who has given me a temporary suspension on said forum about this, but I cannot seem to contact the mod who has banned me for an explaination.
So, what do you think?
It involves a certain supercharger that is for sale on ebay and someone who is thinking about purchasing said supercharger.
I dont have an issue with that myself. We post links to all over the net, why should another forum be any different?
provided your not saying "leave this forum and come here only" then i dont see an issue.
As for why their reading PM's i can't answer that, unless the recipient informed them themselves?
I feel that LOC dont want members getting any advice from this forum which is a very sad state of affairs
if you are mearly directing a member to read a thread surrounding an item for sale then i don't see why you have had your right to pm or post suspended.
Rabster if you are mearly directing a member to read a thread surrounding an item for sale then i don't see why you have had your right to pm or post suspended.
Rabster if you are mearly directing a member to read a thread surrounding an item for sale then i don't see why you have had your right to pm or post suspended.
I can see now why OJC exists (as I haven't had any issues with LOC up until now).
So what they doing? can MODS read PM's?? surly if you pay to be a member of a club you have some right to know why you've been suspended?
Here we go again.......................
I've never been a Gold member (I have been thinking of becoming one), but that idea has now been binned.