the wife got me a nikon camera
the wife got me a nikon camera
well as yous know i love taking pics of the car and my dog...well the wife was talking to her partner about this and he said he was in too photos too and was telling her how he's just spent £2500 on a new camera and lenses hock:hock:hock:hock:
well the next day he brought my wife in a nikon camera(i'm told they are really good)and a very large nikon 70-300mm lense!!!!
and said give that to your husband!!!!hock:hock:
now i need to be miles away to take a good pic what lense would suit better for taking pics standing closer to objects if you know what i mean??
a littler one by the sounds of it mate! you could try taking some pictures of stars and the moon
just had a look at how much the lens cost.......£528.95 thats just for the lens!!!!!!!!
blimey not cheap at all is this camera game is it! ill stick to my 2mp cameraphone lol
it comes just in time too as my car will be part of a stand at fast and modified!!!but me thinks i better get a smaller lens first!!!lol
2k for a lens hock:
I knew they were expensive but this explains why my father in law has never bought anymore for his lol