how far will you get
how far will you get
done this many times, untill i failed, when i forgot my wallet 30 miles away from work in my astra, brokedown 5 miles away from home !
worked out when my astra starts flashing, i got 15 miles
jsj24uk Ah, fuel light bingo. I've played many times and won, just. I've had the petrol light on and the fuel range down to zero. Didn't chance it much further though.
jsj24uk Ah, fuel light bingo. I've played many times and won, just. I've had the petrol light on and the fuel range down to zero. Didn't chance it much further though.
I played it once at about midnight into Boxing Day in an Alfa Brera, with Alice in the car and lost, oops, think I am lucky to have all my parts attached still :o
In my defence the needle did just suddenly drop off the bottom, I was sure I was gonna make it