The New CT200h
The New CT200h
Yeah, clearly still a prototype, and the reviewer didn't actually get to drive it either...
I just don't like the wheels, if you look closely only about 3 of them actually have the sweeping connection to the rim from the centre, the rest don't... just looks wrong to me..
Gord Love the way they put all the black tap over the makers name badge front & rear, then open the bonnet and big ''L'' on the engine cover :Chair:
Interesting little car, still think the front half looks better than the back half, but the interior is lovely
Gord Love the way they put all the black tap over the makers name badge front & rear, then open the bonnet and big ''L'' on the engine cover :Chair:
The prototype vehicle always have a camouflage kit fitted to them we have Many different types at work from stickers to custom fitted kits, these are added so the cars can go out on normal roads to be tested.
Most vehicle go into closed trailers between car plants race-track or out on climate testing so the general public can not see them..
Marsdendean Anyone think the dash looks like a BMW??
Marsdendean Anyone think the dash looks like a BMW??
Lol I see what you mean, it's closer to the A8 in that it slopes towards you, but in a head on pic like that they do all look quite similar.....