1GFE uprated mounts
1GFE uprated mounts
I found a USA manufacturer who manufactures uprated engine mounts for the 1GFE and they have a distributor in UK. Have you heard of these brand? I think they might be the only who make aftermarket engine mounts for the 1GFE.
They look a lot like the prototype ones Stav has?
EDIT: Ninja'd ^^^
dimis Have you heard of these brand?
dimis Have you heard of these brand?
Stix44 They are the biggest name in performance engine mounts IMO ... but that might be because I'm from the VAG scene where they are a very big name!
Also i spoke to Stav about his Vibra-technics mounts and he said to bypass the UK distributor and go direct to Vibra-tec.
Stix44 They are the biggest name in performance engine mounts IMO ... but that might be because I'm from the VAG scene where they are a very big name!
Also i spoke to Stav about his Vibra-technics mounts and he said to bypass the UK distributor and go direct to Vibra-tec.
I spoke to vibra technics in the uk and they make them over here.
I cut out the guy on eBay who wanted a huge markup to what vibra technics charged.
Real good mounts as well.
Sparkystav I spoke to vibra technics in the uk and they make them over here.
I cut out the guy on eBay who wanted a huge markup to what vibra technics charged.
Real good mounts as well.
Sparkystav I spoke to vibra technics in the uk and they make them over here.
I cut out the guy on eBay who wanted a huge markup to what vibra technics charged.
Real good mounts as well.