ITunes HELP!!!!!
ITunes HELP!!!!!
Need some help and advice. Last week my laptop decided to go awol and has been freezing. I managed to back most of it up on my external HD however I missed some of my itunes purchased apps and music. last night the computer died and reset it self and have lost everything including this music and apps, my trend virus protection which I paid for and my Microsoft Office. ad:
Is there away of getting my purchases back?
Thats the thing I have got rid of my ipod touch and not got the iphone yet. Phone Jacker app wasnt loaded on a unit just on the computer ready for when I got my iphone
tried only loads some **** music i never originally had
sorry mate, but iirc, if you lost the music on both the computer and the ipod it cannot be retrieved. Apple's policy is that it is the same as if you lost physical copies and wont replace them.
There is the option of data recovery from your laptop however this can be costly and unless it was a massive library you downloaded, probably not worth it.
It's possible they're still on the hard drive isn't it? Worth a shot anyway, try ntfs undelete.
Cheers guys. I am going to have to bite the bullet and buy new laptop now as well what an expensive month this has become grrr
go on the argos outlet on ebay, i bought one from there a while ago, they are virtually brand new and at a decent price
SHAHZ go on the argos outlet on ebay, i bought one from there a while ago, they are virtually brand new and at a decent price
SHAHZ go on the argos outlet on ebay, i bought one from there a while ago, they are virtually brand new and at a decent price