We Need Your Suggestions
We Need Your Suggestions
i really like the LF-A design but then understand about people not knowing what it is and what the club is all about, other cars makes sence, but then i can understand Ian's view about the car being outdated in a year or two so rather keep something futuristic.
Mr Mole is right in saying a design which does not reflect a specific car, but heres me all talk and no design
Guys and girls
all entries are now taken
Thank you all for you efforts in helping find a logo and banner for the club we are now confident that we have enough to put to a vote
There will be 2 votes taking place
1 vote will be for a Logo for the Site and for banners at meets etc
1 vote on logo's for car sticker’s side window and rear window
Here is the process we will be following
1 Admin/Mod team will choose 4 maybe 5 logos of what we think the club wants based on your comments and reactions in the threads
2 Admin/Mod team will set up a poll for every one to vote for the best ones
3 Admin/Mod will then review the poll and if there is a clear cut winner that will be the one, if however there is a close call between the top 2 entries then the admin team will have the casting vote on the top 2
Hope this is ok by all members