I-pod, MP3, MP4 , Headphones discussion?
I-pod, MP3, MP4 , Headphones discussion?
Quote:96kbs: The sound clearly lacks definition: as an example, hall's noises are perceived as some breath. The result is comparable to a good FM radio.
112kbps: The sound seems less present and less natural than the original. The definition is a bit less good, the voice is less clear. Attacks are less spontaneous. The spatialization is different from the original recording: the sound seems to be located more far and more lower. There is however a very noticeable improvement compared to 96kbps.
128kbps: Hall's noises are slightly less defined than the original. The violin is a bit less present and the piano attacks a bit less sharp. The voice is nearly identical to the original recording but sibilants are less pronounced. We can notice the same spatialization problem as with the 112kbps's one although there is again a good improvement compared to the 112kbps rate.
160kbps: The sound is more natural than 128kbps but the improvement is less spectacular than during the two preceding stages. The sound is different from the original, without however being possible to tell in what. I think that the difference resides more in what we feel rather than in what we hear.
192kbps: The sound is not felt as the original recording. It is however totally impossible to tell in what.
256kbps: The sound is indiscernible from the original. It is impossible to make the difference with the original recording.
320kbps: The sound is indiscernible from the original. It is impossible to make the difference with the original recording
Conclusion : For computer use, the 128kbps rate produces a quality equal to an audio CD when played on a cd rom. But in the case of an MP3 used in advanced Hi-Fi, it is necessary to use a 256kbps bitrate to reach an identical result to the CD sound.
Was just having a read about bit rates for MP3 use, and the recommended level for quality is 256 or 320kbps, which should give you a sound equal to that of the original cd? Have you tried to up the bit rate that you use on your I-pod to see if the sound quality improves? I used to use 192kbps but soon changed to using 320kbps just for that bit of extra quality? :thumbup1:
Bit of info from a bitrate audio test for mp3 etc..
Quote:96kbs: The sound clearly lacks definition: as an example, hall's noises are perceived as some breath. The result is comparable to a good FM radio.
112kbps: The sound seems less present and less natural than the original. The definition is a bit less good, the voice is less clear. Attacks are less spontaneous. The spatialization is different from the original recording: the sound seems to be located more far and more lower. There is however a very noticeable improvement compared to 96kbps.
128kbps: Hall's noises are slightly less defined than the original. The violin is a bit less present and the piano attacks a bit less sharp. The voice is nearly identical to the original recording but sibilants are less pronounced. We can notice the same spatialization problem as with the 112kbps's one although there is again a good improvement compared to the 112kbps rate.
160kbps: The sound is more natural than 128kbps but the improvement is less spectacular than during the two preceding stages. The sound is different from the original, without however being possible to tell in what. I think that the difference resides more in what we feel rather than in what we hear.
192kbps: The sound is not felt as the original recording. It is however totally impossible to tell in what.
256kbps: The sound is indiscernible from the original. It is impossible to make the difference with the original recording.
320kbps: The sound is indiscernible from the original. It is impossible to make the difference with the original recording
Conclusion : For computer use, the 128kbps rate produces a quality equal to an audio CD when played on a cd rom. But in the case of an MP3 used in advanced Hi-Fi, it is necessary to use a 256kbps bitrate to reach an identical result to the CD sound.
Yeah mate, I have quite a mixture depending where I've got them from, so many are 320Kbps but some are from amazon and stuff which are at 192.
But normally the difference between them isn't that obvious to an untrained ear like mine, but the iPod makes a real hash of it whatever the bitrate.
I found the same problem with the Ipod, so I went and bought some sony earphones (much better that the ones supplied), other then that its not the best when I plug it into the car, although I don't use it that much.