My Indecisive 4.0 V8 1UZ-FE Project
My Indecisive 4.0 V8 1UZ-FE Project
Been really busy recently with work, very big project taking place in the last 1/4 of the year and it's been taking up all my time!
However, I managed to get back in the swing of things last night. Started stripping and painting the cam covers which are the last step before fully re-assembling the engine.
Had a prod around the diff I bought too, I will fit new seals to it for the prop and the driveshafts but other than that it seems to be in good nick. Swapping them over shouldn't be too big a deal, I have got a spare diff mounting bracket with it too, but I doubt the bushes in it are in as good nick as the ones on my car Have contacted a local Mazda garage (not the one in MK as they are shite) and we shall see whether they want to be nice and let me order parts... Once that's done I'll throw a diff brace on it and change the fuel filter and then that's back end done!
Back there tonight for more cleaning up and spraying.
I started with a grubby cam cover:
With loads of burnt on oil on the underside:
I've had no luck with the parts washer before so had written it off as **** but I thought I'd give it another go with twice the concentration of fluid in it. It holds about 35-40L of water and before I used 1 5L bottle of solvent based cleaner. This time I've got 10L of non-solvent cleaner in it and a bit less water than before (maybe 30L) so it's much stronger. The results speak for themselves...
It still takes a while to get things clean but I did no scrubbing/aggitation and it's super clean! I tried (hence the toothbrush) but it didn't make any difference
That has worked well!
nimrodmk3 Looks great, there are many uses for toothbrushes.
Working on the other side of the cam covers now... I don't know what paint they use on these but it's a right **** to get off. Pete reckons it might even be epoxy-based.
Getting there... the nearest one still needs some work but the one furthest away is ready for some paintage.
Also got a nice big heavy box in the post this morning: