Lost the back end....arghh!!
Lost the back end....arghh!!
Lost the back end on the car this morning whilst turning into my street and although I was going really slowly the car didnt stop in time and my rear right wheel hit the kirb. I've damaged the alloy quite badly but everything else looks straight. Is there any chance I could have done any other damage if so what could be damaged?
a biggish hole and dent in your wallet as well mate sorry to hear this, thats 2 today so far
please be carefull everyone. hope you can get it sorted soon mate
If it was really slow I doubt it would have done a lot of damage other than probably knocking the geo out. Wouldn't hurt to have it checked over though.
It was slow but felt like it hit the kirb hard so I'm not sure. Put it this way, the kirb did bring the car to a standstill
The rear of the IS is fragile I think? there was a thread about it on the other side, best thing is change the wheel and then get it up in the air to take a proper look.
Could have bent the rear suspension. I hope not though !
oh no...is that the worst that could have happened? would i notice it whilst driving if it was bent? and do you mean just the strut or wishbones etc?
You would know about it if it was bent, the car will crab along the road a bit, and not handle well at all.